A Beginner's Guide to Finnish Style

Finnish style is all about creating a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional.

· Interior
Finnish interior design

Have you ever been inside a home and felt an immediate sense of calm? Or, on the flip side, have you ever been in a space that feels cold and uninviting? Chances are, the former was designed with Finnish style in mind. Finnish style is all about creating a space that is both aesthetically pleasing and functional. In other words, it's not just about making things look pretty; it's about making things work well, too. Keep reading to learn more about Finnish style and how you can incorporate it into your own home.

What is Finnish Style?

Finnish style, also known as Nordic style, is characterized by its simplicity, functionality, and natural materials. It takes cues from the country's landscape—think lots of snow, long winters, and stunning summer days—and creates interiors that are meant to be cozy and inviting. One of the most defining features of Finnish style is its focus on hygge (pronounced hoo-gah), which is a Danish concept that can be roughly translated to "coziness." Creating a space that is cozy and comfortable is essential to Finnish style.

How to Incorporate Finnish Style into Your Home

Start with the basics. When it comes to Scandinavian design, less is more. Stick to a minimal color palette and use clean lines throughout your space. This will create a feeling of openness and peace. You can always add in pops of color later on if you want to spice things up a bit.

Choose natural materials. Wood floors, stone fireplaces, wool rugs—these are all great choices when incorporating Nordic design into your home. Not only do they look good, but they also help create that cozy feeling that is so essential to this style.

Let in the light. In Finland, the winters are long and dark. To combat this, Finns make sure to let in as much natural light as possible. If you live in a place with long winters (or even just shorter days), make sure to take advantage of every opportunity to let in some light. Open up those curtains during the day and make use of lamps and candles at night.

Create a cozy nook. One of the best ways to incorporate hygge into your home is by creating a space where you can relax and unwind at the end of the day. Whether it's a reading corner with an overstuffed armchair or a cozy spot by the fireplace, make sure your nook reflects your personal taste and makes you feel at ease.

Finnish style is all about creating spaces that are both beautiful and functional. If you're looking for ways to bring some Nordic design into your home, start with these four tips: stick to a minimal color palette; choose natural materials; let in the light; and create a cozy nook for yourself. With these foundation pieces in place, you'll be well on your way to achieving Finnish perfection in your own home!

Photo by Rural Explorer on Unsplash